

Frostbitten Heart
In the icy realm, a frostbitten heart dwells,
A prisoner of chilling winds and bitter frost,
It beats, burdened by the weight of frozen tales,
With no hope for warmth, all connections lost.

Once vibrant, it danced in love's tender embrace,
But now, its essence lies suspended, icebound,
No ember's burn, no flicker of passionate grace,
A barren landscape where affection can't be found.

No ray of sunlight can thaw its frozen core,
No fire's touch can reignite its fading flame,
The arctic depths of solitude forevermore,
An icy fortress, love's warmth it can't reclaim.

In a world of numbness, it forever resides,
Unyielding to the whispers of love's sweet call,
No gentle thaw can heal its wounded insides,
No spring's arrival can soften winter's enthrall.

With each passing day, its chill grows immense,
A constant reminder of love's bitter sting,
No warmth can permeate its solitary sense,
Frozen forever, where true love can't take wing.

Yet buried deep within the frost's icy bloom,
A glimmer of longing, a faint ember's glow,
A sliver of hope amidst the frozen gloom,
Yearning for love's embrace, to feel love's gentle flow.

But alas, this frostbitten heart may never feel,
The thaw of love's embrace, the warmth of its fire,
Forever trapped in a world of icy appeal,
A testament to love's unrequited desire.

And so it beats on, a symphony of frozen pain,
A silent witness to love's unyielding cold,
A heart that never warms, forever in restraint,
A frostbitten soul, love's story left untold.
© jMaj161914

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